
invoke my rights

  • Before making an arrest for operating while intoxicated (OWI) Wisconsin law enforcement agents must have enough evidence to establish that a crime was committed.  To do so, they may administer a series of field sobriety tests that are used to gauge your level of intoxication.  


    What exactly does that mean and what do you need to know?


  • Traffic stops are the most common reasons for police encounters.  Knowing your rights during a Wisconsin traffic stop may protect you from unlawful criminal charges.


    In 2011 Wisconsin adopted the “Castle Doctrine” – which provides civil and criminal protections to property owners who use force against intruders in order to protect themselves, their family or guests, or their property from serious harm.  

  • When the police come knocking you might feel caught off guard, nervous or confused.  As you quickly gather your thoughts, you may have many questions spinning through your brain.  Do the police need a warrant to come into your home?  What happens if you just don’t respond?  Why are the police even at your door if you didn’t do anything wrong; OR EVEN IF YOU DID? So what do you do?

  • THE MYTH OF THE FIFTH - We have all heard “I plead the Fifth” on TV, but what does it really mean?

    Most people, have a vague idea of what this means.  On TV this scene typically happens in a courtroom and it’s said by the person on trial who is refusing to say anything else. 

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